Rebounder - Bouncing His Way to Justice on Land and Sea

darth_paul on March 24, 2014

I went through a very long process of tossing around a lot of different ideas for this character before inspiration struck and I settled on the bouncing shield bearing fish man that you see before you now. The concept began as just another human “Captain America” clone for the GPE, but that was a bit too boring, and I didn't feel that it offered enough uniqueness to a team of intergalactic super-cops that already had plenty of human and nearly human aliens with just different skin tones. So, I thought why not just do what I do best and add in some more mutants? So, with that I started thinking about how one of my other characters, Rainbow Trout, of my team, the Super-Mutant Nine, has it in his origin that he was an Enforcer himself before quitting them for the Nine. Well, since the two teams are connected by such a former member, I thought why not just make this guy Trout's replacement as they could use another member of his species/race. Plus, I decided to make him a relative of Trout's because I'm all about my characters having family connections too. Thus, he's now more than just a “Cap clone” as I took the idea of actual trout and other species of fish within the same family being able to leap from the water as the basis of this guy's abilities. His real name is also simply a combination of scientific names for certain species of these kinds of fish. :-)