Nooooo! Not a filler!

Neilsama on May 11, 2009

Yeah, we're going to have another late page today, boys and girls. But do not fret! For today, we come prepared.

As many of you know, there was a lot of disagreement over the title of this very series. We couldn't even name our own team! Oh, this went on for some time, you see, and it became the theme for our title graphic over on Webcomics Nation!

After much artillery fire and name-calling, we finally all agreed that if we couldn't come up with a name, we might as well not have one. And thus, we named the series after the villain.

The above comic is an out-take from Chapter 3. I think it got cut because we had mutually agreed that the art wasn't quite ready for prime time. Although, the situation is pretty funny.

Here, we've taken our naming argument and applied it to the characters. We have Al and I arguing over names. As usual, I'm not in tune with being “PC”, and when Al threw Cadre at us, it was immediately followed by a choir of crickets.

Oh, and as much as I hate revealing my own jokes, I just want to make it clear that ANT is actually referring the San Diego Padres.

New page will be up later, Crossover Crusaders!

Watch Pitchmen on Discovery Channel. Or else.