#102 Take Me Home

Hawk on Sept. 11, 2006

Things change sometimes.

First of all, my schedule is changing. With college starting up again, you may see my updates actually appear on a different day. I'm trying to remain resolute on my effort to put out at least one page per week though. If you're worried about missing a page, it's easy to know when my comic updates if you add my comic to your favorites or if you get the Drunk Duck Alerter. I don't know if that's available right now. But I like it and it's especially helpful for telling me when those irregular comics update. Otherwise, you may just need to backtrack on my comic now and then to make sure there isn't a page you missed.

My art style may change. I've been threatening to for a while now and it's been happening gradually, but now I'm in a class that specifically develops my style. I can't tell you what it'll look like eventually, all I can do is promise that it will probably look better. And less manga.

Last of all, this comic may change for a little bit. I despise the fact that I'm doing this, but the next couple of pages will be less funny, more serious. It tears me up to make pages that have no jokes, but the story has bound me. This must be told. Humor will return soon.