Chapter 12 Page 7 - Dead Stream

Evil Emperor Nick on Oct. 6, 2011

As more and more crossover crap and reboots takes place in the world of comics I find myself less and less willing to spend money on monthlies. The fact that all my DC series have gotten canceled might be the last straw for me. I sure as hell don't want to get to know the all new versions of the characters. If you are not going to give me the characters I know and love that get off your lazy asses and create some new ones can actuallygive a damn about DC! I'm just one of those people who will watch say, the Simpson because used to like it once upon a time and the Simpson's is free to watch. I'm sure as heck not going to slap down money for characters I just USED to like because DC felt it was time to shake the cash tree again. I know some people like the reboots and they've obviously been a big success for DC. I have more then one friend with a pile of new DC comics who wouldn't touch Secret Six before when I raved how good it was. Still I can't help but feel that this compnay wide soft-reboot is pretty gutless and lazy. It is the same sort of hand waving that was all over infinite crisis. Just wave your hand and change the status quo to whatever and blame it on cosmic damage of some sort. That sort of story telling just really pisses me off. For me this rates about equal with what Lucas is doing with the latest Star Wars release. Oh well at least web comics don't reboot all the time…..right? Right?????