1.22 Stay Tuned...

baby doll daily on Jan. 30, 2011

The next chapter is going to be amazing, trust me.

Okay my schedule: I have a con on April 1st.
1) I need to wrap up DANGERMOTH (it'll feature extra content, posters, sketches, design work, fan art etc).
2) I need to wrap up STRANGE CASE 2.
3) I have to finish putting together a pin up sketch book.

So DANGERMOTH 2 isn't the top priority, BUT, I will leak pages as I go.

If you're a fan of my work, watch STRANGE CASE, as issue 2 is heating up and about to finish with a bang.

Thank you all for your comments, encouragement and patience :D. 2011 will mean a LOT more comics coming your way.

DANGERMOTH has a facebook group: Right Here . Join for updates, bonus art and info.