more bs

sloo on Aug. 4, 2008

Its by birthday on wednesday. Woo 22….meh who cares.
Im throwing up and can barely sit up straight, heres some old art I found that will do for more filler.

First one:
I did some FMA art back in 2005 when I finished the series, and in 2007 I thought I would tackle Edward Elric as an adult badass, so heres that. I totally forgot about this pic until now, it sat finished for over a year, wtf.

Second one:
Every year I draw a pic of Hellspawn (just a more badass presentation of Spawn) and here is the one from 2007 that also sat finished on my HDD for some reason. I need to do a 2008 one..

hope you enjoy, and wish me luck on beating this crazy fucking cold before wednesday…nobody wants to spend their b-day vomiting!