The Unpersoning Pt.5

RazorD9 on Nov. 20, 2015

Wanted to post this a whole lot sooner, just been a bit down the past few weeks. Got the next page in the works, so expect that early next week and another should follow finishing up the caper, giving me time to prepare for the big 10 year anniversary thing I am planning. More on that on the last paragraph of this comment since I have been copying and pasting the last part of the comments to save time.
First up we have Nintendo of the Consolers, found here: helping herself to some potato salad.
And finishing the cameos I plan to use, as well as the bowl, is Stefan of Dawn of a New Era, found here:
Keep track of this years caper here:
Sponsored by The Webcomic Crossover and Cameo Archive here:
Dec 14 is coming up. Figure I could do a special, featuring various characters getting their own spin off's, so a spin-off one-off. Have some characters in mind, but will take character requests as well as suggestions. Like say you wanted the Evil Commander and Crimson Skull to run a bakery while trying to take over the world, it can be done. Though want to keep each scenario to span three strip and up to three scenarios plus a strip between each. Still feel free to ask questions to a character if you like.