Support your Local Darklings!

Darklings on Oct. 4, 2017

I want to thank all of our readers and subscribers for your interest in my cast of smart-asses.

For those who don't know, Darklings is the product of 2 minds: Me, who writes the script; and my friend, Leiko, who hand draws and inks the main comic.

This has been a labor of love over the last 5 years and we plan to continue this as long as we have love for it.

We'd like this to go bigger, but for that we need your help.

To this end, we have set up a Ko-fi page to accept donations. Just by clicking the link above, you can donate $3 to Darklings. The plans for this money include buying ad space, making sure Leiko has the supplies she needs, and hopefully, allow us to get booths at cons and offer printed collections of the comic.

You can also help support the comic with the merchandise available at both RedBubble and Society6 (links above also)

We will have a small history lesson starting next week with Interval 3 - The Celestial War.

Thank you again for following us on this ride!