(Post-)Halloween Comic Caper 2010 Part 2

videowizard2007 on Nov. 1, 2010

Not letting a choking duck stop me from showing off my comic!
It can be seen at:

Yes, I realize that it's November 2nd. But Drunk Duck was down for Webcomic Halloween (Monday, November 1st, going by the typical Mon-Wed-Fri update schedule).

However, Dawn of a New Era V2 is trying for Tues-Thurs-Sat-Sun, Saturday likely a bonus- much like its predecessor). Halloween fell on a Sunday and Drunk Duck went down Sunday night.

Still, at the rate things are going, this Caper may change to Post-Christmas or Holiday Halloween Comic Caper 2010-11. It's happened before… a past Caper (Halloween Comic Caper 2008-09) went until JUNE.