[Filler] My apologies

CoyoteLongshot on May 22, 2008

The comic has been on hold for quite a while now, huh? Going on a month and a half. Wow… That went by really fast.

The reason I haven't been updating at all is because I've been trying to make the most of my summer so far… I've had to find a summer job, catch up with all my friends, and just get out and enjoy life, which is a luxury I really didn't have while at college. So it's been nice (And I've actually had some time to work a bit on a few side projects of mine) but it comes at the cost of me not being on DD, like, at all. But within the next week or two I hope to be back to weekly updates, ‘cuz I still got a tale to tell, and Dawnbringer’s gonna be sticking around quite a while if I have my way.

This is just a sketch I did for the meantime… the kid is Alake, a character we haven't really seen yet. She's the pilot of the Marietta, Farin's ship. The next two chapters will deal with her a lot, though.