Chapter 1- Page 37

CoyoteLongshot on June 16, 2010

Aiight. So I've something to confess. I've had some pages done for a while now and I've been withholding them from you guys. I had this idea in my head of waiting until I had a secure job and more time on my hands to upload them, so that way I could get onto some kind of regular schedule with this, but alas that time seems further and further away each day. So instead, seeing how it may be longer than I thought until Dawnbringer gets up and running again, (Never heard that one before, eh?) I've decided to post them in the meantime! :D ‘Cuz you guys deserve it.

For now, just consider the comic on a monthly update schedule. ^^;

So, most of you probably don’t remember the story by now, quick recap: Girl is daughter of famous bounty hunter, girl meets guy, invites guy over to her place, guy shuns girl, girl gets angry and is now talking with guy's sister, who was sleeping in the living room. Who just now unknowingly let a figurative bomb drop. And if you guys don't remember what that bomb might be, I make it VERY clear on the next page. :P

Until next time, dear readers.