Issue 1-5 Da Bomb

JustNoPoint on Sept. 8, 2009

This is the second “half” of issue 1. I intended it so that you could read either side 1st and it still make sense. The stories are not connected at all yet. This is probably the true start of the story though. At least for me it is.

Ugh, how to start this comic, eh? Well, I didn't want to spend too much time actually letting the audience get to know the cast too much. The Prologue was supposed to be mostly a story driven comic that I was looking past. A “get from point A to point B adventure”. Later, while working on the comic I realized that that wasn't a good mentality.
Anyway, I at least wanted the audience to get to know Fenny and Sally a little and I wanted to introduce a few elements that would be more important later. Basically I wanted to show that Fenny and Sally did have lives aside from being “galactic defenders”.

Turns out I was HORRIBLE at this kind of stuff back then. I knew a lot about Fenny and Sally but they truly did grow more as the comic progressed. This comic is UGH IMO :P
But what's done is done and if you can actually set through the horrible art and writing of this one you will find a lot of pieces of foundation are set. In all honesty this issue starts the NEXT story arc. A lot of this is picked back up in TDL Fathums.

In this issue you find out a bit about the world after some kind of war. You get to see Fenny the over achiever and you see that she has Super Strength and a few other things like breathing the toxidation gas. No answers to why she is able to do this until next issue, unless you gather that she's a “chosen” like the grands seem to have. Sally? Well, she's happy and sad and emotional like she should be. Typical Sally! Most of the foreshadowing to Sally's “power” is done very subtly here in this issue.