Issue 4 Embark Reality

JustNoPoint on April 28, 2010

Oh man I had so much fun making this issue! I love stand alone issues like this.

Especially when it totally changes what's been going on. Alien fights - alien fights - alien fights - amnesia girl going to see the king?!

It was great because in issue 3 there is basically no Fenny at all. Then when you get to issue 4 you finally see her again. But she has no memories of what has happened! And wearing big dresses and going to see kings, WTF?!

OHHHHhhhhh, the aliens sent her to a pocket dimension Earth. Hooray for comics and or silly sci fi ^_^

Sci fi fantasy is awesome because with this you can go from future apocalypse earth alien wars to this issue that has NONE of that!

I wish I could have spent some more time in Atlantis but the issue had a simple purpose of filling in some more back story for the Grands and my timeline I've created while introducing readers to a world and some characters that will be needed for future stories. Because with JNP 1 world just isn't enough to tell all the stories XD