39-Books and A Back Pocket

Kikaru on June 16, 2007

…Well, large again…and the last panel is off due to a thunderstorm that was coming in, and I didn't want to get the page wet. I really need a scanner at my house. Oh, and I put words on the book. Eh, one word. And a Purovam symbol thing.

Okay, so actually this comic was brought to you by a smattering of Trigun and Azumanga Daioh, but I wanna talk about Akira right now.

I don't like alot of modern works. Alot of people rave about a bunch of current titles, but do they really have any meaning behind them? I mean, where's the point behind Naruto and Bleach? They're just pure action, beneath the surface there's no true meaning and you really dont ponder about it for very long. But in Akira, there's lots going on. It's not just an action flick/comic. It's got some really deep meanings and symbolisms behind all the action. Okay, alot of people say it didn't make much sense, especially the ending, but thats the point! It makes you THINK! which is what people seem to hate >.o

But besides the great meaning behind it, it's a horribly realistic world Otomo writes for us. What happens is incredibly natural, even from the unnatural powers. There is alot of blood, but it doesnt spew everywhere like in most fantasies, it leaks. Very naturally. Charactor movements, limitations, and emotions are VERY realistically portrayed. Every minute I watch/read Akira, I think “this could really, really happen.” because nothing is exagerated to the great heights of normal fantasy.

And the fact that it's not as exagerated as normal fantasty makes me really get into it! I mean, in most fantasies, I just know that the hero can't die, not until the very end of the story at least. But in Akira, I really worried that any one charactor could die at any second, really a panicing worry!

So, if you havnt watched the movie Akira or read the comics, which are both good in thewir own way, go watch and read em! I still think they're the greatest thing ever, dispite being made twenty years ago. Way cooler that silly Bleach. All that has running for it as far as I see are the diverse charactor designs. Those insane plot twists just make it worse rather than better…but thats a rant for another day…