Doctor Who: Fade Away Page 4

svb909 on April 29, 2011

This is page 4 of Doctor Who: Fade Away by my talented pal and collaborator Paul Hanley (story, colors, and lettering) and myself (pencils and inks). It is our (very fond) farewell to Nicholas Courtney.

Who's WHO did you say? L-R then. Panel 1: Doris Lethbridge-Stewart, the (newly regenerated) Brigadier, (above him) Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes, The 7th Doctor , Skog (above the Doctor), William Blake, Bernice Summerfield, Jason Kane, Jacquilian (over Jason's right shoulder), Ace, Keri (the mouse looking girl).

Panel 2: L-R (Background), The 3rd Doctor, Polly, The Celestial Toymaker (big chap in the background), Tegan Jovanka, The 4th Doctor, The 5th Doctor, Frobisher (right in front of 5), The 8th Doctor, Zoe Hariot, Toymaker's robot, Jamie McCrimmon, Nyssa of Traken. (Foreground) The 6th Doctor, Martha Jones, The 10th Doctor, and The Brigadier,

Panel 3: L-R Martha Jones, The 10th Doctor, The Brigadier and The 1st Doctor.

Paul's commentary: Page 4 of our 9-part story. Art by my talented bud and collaborator Shawn Van Briesen , story, colors, and lettering by me.

So this glimpse of the Brigadier's future is what you'd call an “orgy of fanwankage”. But screw it, it was fun as hell to do (even if I did put Shawn through hell making him draw all this insanity).

The top panel is of course directly from Paul Cornell's New Adventures novel “Happy Endings”, in which the Brig is accidentally “regenerated” when the Master's plot to crash Bernice Summerfield's wedding goes awry.

The rest is mine and Shawn's (I left it to him to choose most of the “pieces”- though I will take credit for Frobisher). Just a crazy idea for a fun adventure we'll never see. My pal Paul suggested incorporating the Celestial Toymaker into the story somewhere, as a nod to Michael Gough's sad passing. Too many great Who alumni have left us recently (I'm still in denial about Elisabeth Sladen…).