Suduko Hime: Image Ready Pic

kujosbloodstrewnmoon on Feb. 10, 2009

So this is my Hellsing Fanfiction character (she also ties in very VERY loosely with Dragon Ball Z series, perhaps I'll explain it at a later point). She is a fire demon, and seems like she'd do well in the circus ro somethin' of the likes. She walks on wires (like the ones Walter likes to use in Hellsing), and fights with a giant hoop of death, kind of like Tira's from Soul Cal (they also look quite a bit alike, so my buddies and I will sometimes joke about them bein' related as well). She's really sweet, but suffers from serious PTSD from her time in war, where she was forced into the life of a sex slave, eventually rescued and taken in by Walter, or so the fanfic goes anyway. Well I'd say that's about enough explaining of her. This image was originally sketched on paper, it was one of the first pix that I drew first with paper, then recolored on imageready.