Long-Winded Science

Freegurt on July 30, 2010

Wow! This is long past due! But that's okay, because instead of a six page update, I'm doing a regular update each week, which in my honest opinion, is much better! The goodness spread out more like a delicious jam over home-made bread.

It's been ricockulously hot this month. The heat really gets me agitated and I've been rather snappy lately (not in the dressing sense, sadly, but in the frustrated sense). I also got a new blender and I've been having delicious and VERY nutritious smoothies for breakfast (albeit, the worst looking smoothies you could ever grace your eyes on). I also worked on the garage and it looks a million times better. Nothing much else, really. Enjoy the page.


da_kasha: As you can see, I have heeded your advice. Maybe now I can keep a regular update with this buffer I've been working on.
RoboCraig: Oh, baby, I forever love you. Mmmm-hmmm. But thank you, I always love hearing from you.