1303. Natasha's Boyfriend 12: Game Night

Sameth on March 2, 2015

Well, that's not entirely true. Erin and Natasha have every similar thought processes. They're just not very good at the game.
The main difference (as I stated back in the Earth B story arc), other than the scale color, is that Natasha has a filter on her thoughts and actions that Erin doesn't. Natasha is very much the same as Erin, she just doesn't act on those thoughts or say the things Erin does. But of course, no one other than Erin and Natasha realizes this. (Which explains Matt's comment on Natasha being the saner of the two dragons.)
Well, that and Natasha isn't hazardous to computers.
That being said, the two Matts are probably have a lot more in common than Erin and Natasha do.