1328. Sophie's Egg 09: Big Sister

Sameth on May 27, 2015

So, Monday, we're going to start the finale arc. Due to some serious consideration, the one I had planned will not be used. Just didn't seem to Andore and I like a FINALE arc.
Rather than just cutting it completely, I'm going to retool it to be Dragon City Stories Chapter 4. I feel it needs to be told. So…starting sometime after Dragon City ends, I will start Dragon City Stories Chapter 4. Stay tunned to Jix if I don't say anything else about it before the end of DC.
I'm planning one chapter, not a whole series, so I seriously doubt we're going to have another Ambis Colony on our hands. Besides, I've gotten the plot points written out, so scripting it shouldn't be too hard.
More than likely, I'll be doing those on Fridays while Jix will take Dragon City's current update schedule.