Chapter Three: Evacuation (Page 1 of 50)

Sameth on July 1, 2013

*commentary by Jonathan*

Huh. I made it. The first page is here. Yay, comics!

In this page, we are introduced to the Kellaway family, including two of our main characters, Amy and Martin. We'll be seeing a lot of them as the comic continues.

If you're wondering why Martin is wearing a shirt, that was something from the old DCS3 story. Martin was going to be a bit of a goofball who, after moving to the surface, discovered that he likes wearing human clothes, so he started wearing a shirt more often. A lot of changes were made to the characters when I switched to the new story, but I decided “eh, why bother changing that detail?”

All the way through making this page, I kept wondering one thing: “what are they watching on the TV before the news report?” Any thoughts? Anyone?