First page of 09' OWNT

CutmanX on Feb. 6, 2009

Hey Finally I put a page up on DD. and it's February. What the hell? I try my best to do some comics, but there's one problem. ONE Dumb problem. (well Two actually) My COMPUTER IS TOO GOOD. Yeah Too good, when i used our old one i was pretty much the only user other than one other person. BUT NOW Every in the house has to use our new over the top system. Mornings, it's being use. Aftenoons it's being used. THE ONLY Time I have time is at night. But Unfortunately one of my family members is now made the couch his permanent sleeping spot so i can't work on stuff. ESPECIALLY When my family is around. I'm not embarrassed it's just i would rather keep my family comments and my comic Separate, Period. That and i tried to get some new programs but for some reason it's almost impossible to get anything other than GIMP out there. So i gotta use GIMP or Flash 5 and that sucks. so I'm using Flash 5 for general drawing and GIMP for my sprite comics.(which i might put up soon) any way enjoy this little omage i did for the VERY FIRST COMIC I DID.
Seeya hopefully next week
Steven “CutmanX”