Due East Book 5 Page 4

dueeast on Sept. 3, 2009

September 21, 2009 Update: Just to let you know, Angel and I have been working on a new scene involving Phira and other characters. Several pages coming soon! I'll keep you updated but my apologies for the slight delay.

Original blurb: So here we go – a new cast member: Brenden Kavanaugh! He's going to become very important to the story surprisingly soon (and no, he's not a stalker who's going to kill one of the main characters or something predictable like that). As you can see, he's a fairly orderly fellow, a more-than-competent network administrator for Gzelle Enterprises. Oh, and if you couldn't tell, he doesn't like to cook. (Oh, and about the chili in the last frame, keep in mind: Due East's storyline started in 2003, so at most, it's early 2004).

An interesting fact: The character in the poster above Brenden's bed is a character for a fictional MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). The character and the game, which will debut within Due East and play a minor role in this story, were designed by my oldest son, Adam, as a favor to me and Angel. He agreed and designed the game and all characters within 2 hours!

We wanted to include him in the webcomic-making process. Sometime soon, I'll scan his original drawings for this and put them in Behind The Scenes of Due East.