Hello Mike & Eddie.

EtherealWyrm on Sept. 11, 2007

Ok, im not insulting B&H Comics, its done by people i know and usually sit with at lunch, mike and eddie are a bit weird, and apparently obsessed with old games, but thats ok, i like to play some old games to. but after reading their comic some things made more sence to me. my only question for them is WHY NINTENDO GAMES? the Wii is okay but most of the other nintendo consoles sucked… i know cause i own them, sadly. though i occasionally pull out my SNES and play mario or paperboy. well what im trying to say is, B&H is insane but its a good read, WHEN EVER THEY UPDATE!!! check them out now!

comic 100% by schmitty, inspired by the insanity that is B&H Comics