El Esqueleto Issue #4 Page 14

grindhousecomics on Oct. 20, 2012

Page 14 is up.
I also updated last weeks page, Page 13. Josta59 had commented that it was hard to tell if EE abd Carl had crashed.
Prior to drawing the page, I had reworked the layout to kill off the bad guys in pursuit and I think I lost some of the “we're crashing!” moment. I was worried how the crash would read, since there was a lot going on.
Hearing someone else have problems with it made it clear to me. I went and added a “I can't keep her in the air” bit of dialogue and updated the page. It's not prefect, but I think it makes it read a little smoother and is less jarring of a transition.
Anyway I wanted to thank Josta59 again. It helps to hear what others think and helps me work to improve my storytelling skills. Nice thing about webcomics, easy to fix those errors :)