The Legend of Legendia - Part 3

Xiam on April 14, 2009

Yes, it's going to be THAT kind of comic.

For those who don't know, it's quite common in fantasy games (and often movies) for the characters to sleep in their clothes. Seriously, no matter what these people are equipping, they have one outfit. One. And when it's bedtime? They just jump right into bed, boots and all.

So, our Hero's mother here has an outfit that did not come out as intended. In fact, she looks better dressed for the 1950's, rather than the 950's.

I blame my lack of skill, that also means they're going to be uber-tiny. Blargh.

Can everybody read the font, though? I realized Segoe Print is really too big for these cramped panels, in 12-point, so I left it at 10.

Stay tuned! The next comic will have the first individual I actually created for this series.