Fusion #6 Page 14

EssayBee on Aug. 14, 2012

Here's page 14 of Fusion #6, and–as many of you deduced–there's something a bit different about “Brooder's Catwoman.” And blackwolf1984 also gets props for putting together the clues for figuring out the thief's name (in his comments back on the cover). Back on page 23 of Issue #5 when X-Pletive describes a picture on the robot, X-Pletive said there was a flower in the picture before being corrected by Dr. Electric, who told him the flower was actually a weed, which suggested a dandelion.
As for Dandy-Lion's little speech, he's speaking the truth–he did teach Brooder about breaking and entering and the art of escape. Brooder's backstory will be explored in this story arc, and Dandy-Lion is an important part of it.
Also, for those wondering about his voice, Dandy-Lion is British, and his enunciation is precise.