Fusion #14 Page 54

EssayBee on May 1, 2018

Here's page 54 of Fusion #14, which brings this issue to a dreadful close.

Now for some bad news–especially given the cliffhanger ending of this issue. As you probably know, there's usually about a 1-month period of filler material between issues of Fusion. Since next issue will feature Blue Banshee, who's the property of Elysium Bliss, I'll need a bit more lead time to coordinate scripting with Bliss, so there will likely be closer to 2 months until Issue #15 begins. If possible, I'll cut the down-time as much as possible, but I'd guess there will still be at least 6 weeks until the next issue.

But not to worry–the downtime won't be a complete loss! I'll upload some Essay Bee Comics filler material and a bit of background on some of the crazy concepts and characters that'll be featured in the next issue. And rest assured, for as strange as the next issue may get, I think you'll like where things go.