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Zarya on Aug. 6, 2014

Zels death was a lot more painful than Hopes. Irving has killed every single Hope incarnation that has appeared prior to Fae. The only reason number 2 and 3 arent shown in the flashbacks is that their stories are a lot less relevant to Faes story. Unbeknownst to her, Fae is on a path that the first Hope should have taken and that Zel took great care in setting up. Fae actually knew what her path should be prior to her memory wipe, so why was Faes memory wiped?

One of the reasons that I tend to skip out on adding sound effects to pages is that for me sound effects make things appear even more cringe worthy. Id have a lot harder time looking at this page if there was a crack sound effect right at Zels back. It hurt enough to draw the pose and I didnt really want to add on to that hurt.