Outside the Mist: Kid Astounding 1

kalamitycomics on Jan. 11, 2017

Who's your friendly neighborhood doofus? I am! So I was going to do that whole prose piece and I still may but then I realized that Nick and I did two five page short stories that are doing nothing but collecting dust. So we are going to present them to you. I hope you enjoy them. Oh, I nearly forgot, because they are both 5 pages a pop you are getting 2 pages this week! One today and one tomorrow.

On other news page 30 is done but I am waiting for a few more pages to be done because I like to present them to Adam in chunks. So before the end of January you should have the finished page. And to make sure we have the proper buffer we will probably be returning to the story proper in March. I will let you know if ends up being sooner.