Sparta City Gazette 02/29/2024

kalamitycomics on Feb. 29, 2024

Hey Folks,

It's been a bit, in fact it's a whole new year since I last posted and I'm hoping to rectify that. One big problem I have been having is four sites are way too many to mirror EHV on. If I'm going to be posting regularly, I need to streamline my production (Also this is kind of a requirement for another piece of new I will be sharing next week. Here is how it's going to go.

1. LINE Webtoon. EHV is done on here for now. Converting the comic to vertical format is too much work for not enough reward. That said we have another comic in the works that will be built for vertical scrolling so it will debut there and also…

2. Tapas. Pretty much the same issue as LINE, but the one thing I really like is that they have a section for prose, and we definitely have some prose that needs a home.

3. I'm closing shop on Comic Fury for now. While I really love the community there, I just don't have anything that fits there right now. Maybe that will change at some point.

4. The Duck will be the home of EHV as we have always received the most feedback and encouragement.

With just one site to worry about things should move things along more smoothly. We might also be setting up a shop in a new location. More to come soon!