Chapter 20 page 6

mlai on Sept. 12, 2018

A post by EdBang:

Updated Wednesdays. Why only Wednesdays? Because we don't have that many pages in the queue. This will give the cominc a chance to not die, and hopefully keep interest in the comic. Ok let's go!!!

FIGHT Chapter 20 page 6.

Ah… this is my favorite page of the chapter. I even included the image on my buainess cards. Flashy enough to impress and was great practice for getting used to drawing backgrounds. For the longest time I didn't think I'd have the skill to draw Volcania, but it turned out great! At least I think so…

My only regret is not making the city look more worn out. It looks like it's too well maintained. :)

Tools: Yoga Book (Windows version), clip studio paint pro