Page 359 - "Really? That sounds MEAN to you?"

Blitzkrieg1701 on June 20, 2011

Seriously, child. What do you think you're doing? You're drifting DANGEROUSLY close to a Kevin-style blunder here! TURN BACK!

Anyway, I was kind of struggling with the dialog on this page, and I'm still not certain I got it right. I worry that Trigger's bit in the central panel came off a little too preachy, especially since my own feeling about Gright's continued popularity are fairly common knowledge. This wasn't supposed to be an author filibuster, I swear!

Speaking of Gright (and other things, for that matter) something really cool got over-looked in the midst of me panicking over my computer: FAR OUT THERE HAS A NEW CAFEPRESS STORE!!! Go click the handy dandy “store” button and check it out!