32 - 14

dragonsong12 on Oct. 8, 2012

Katyn isn't specifically against killing, but there needs to be reason for it, and she's not going to go for killing someone who's helpless or killing for fun, both of which it seems Ry did since he sealed the doors to that compound and wouldn't let the werewolves out.

There's a line and he crossed it.

It's kind of funny that he attempts to justify himself NOW, however.

EDIT: “change” should be “chance” in panel 3. Sorry, I'll fix it as soon as I get a “change”.
REVENGE OF THE EDIT: Should be fixed!

Just to note, remember back when DD unveiled this new design? I noticed then that I couldn't upload the pages as jpegs anymore because for some reason it messed with the quality of them. Since then, I've been uploading the pages as png's, which MOSTLY fixes the problem, but the archives are still hideous. I've been slowly going back through and replacing archive pages, I'm working backward (because newer pages deserve higher quality more) and doing them a story arc at a time. I've gotten back through chapter 21 right now. I just wanted to mention it to say that that's part of the reason the archives look terrible, and also if you see any pages duplicated or out of place, let me know. I'm going to to a reread to check on them all once I'm done, but that may not be a while.

Thanks for reading! See you next week!