Game Of The Year 2008

Nicky James on Dec. 27, 2008

Xasa and I have been working (mainly I) have been working on this for quite a while. About a month to be exact. I posted the panel about Heath Ledger a month ago on my personal MySpace and really got a lot of crap for it. I got personal messages from 12 people along with 2 of my own friends about it. I love a little controversy. Here’s one I selected:

Nicky James,

Are you serious? You are making fun of Heath Ledger less than a year after his death? That’s so rude to his family that he left behind. How would you feel if some lame ass comic made fun of you after you died? I’ve written and told them of this horrific comic you plan on posting and they said they would never in a million years let you post something like that. So good luck posting your piece of shit comic whenever you decide to. I hope your comic fails miserably and people make fun of you when you die.

So, that was a pretty good sting from that person. Ouches eh? This was my response. The only way I changed it is by taking out the person’s name.

Dear *blank*

I’m glad that you hate my comic enough to spend your time emailing a webcomic hosting site that has little to no control over my comic. I didn’t know that there was a statute of limitation on when you can’t make fun of a moronic suicide. Uh, yeah. And I’m sure that lonely Australians have little else to do other than peruse looking for MsPaint drawings of their deceased kin. And If I was dumb enough to guzzle down a whole bottle of sleepy time pills to the point of death in the fat Olsen twin’s apartment. Mmmmm, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone poked a little fun. So umm, I think I heard someone on Facebook saying something funny about Jesus. So better grab your bible and ready up your red pen. Please kindly fuck yourself gently.

Much Love,

Nicky James & Xasa (AKA FRAGGED)

On the real though. I really liked Heath’s work. The Dark Knight was easily my favorite movie of 2008 and Heath stole the show. I’m actually watching The Dark Knight as I type this. I even got slightly aroused watching Brokeback Mountain to the point of having to buy the special edition with extended scenes. You see our picks for game of the year

But it’s time to really give out my personal choice for Games of the year.
Best Fighting Game: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix.
Runner up: Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
Best First Person Shooter: Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Runner up: Left 4 Dead
Best Role Playing Game: Fable 2
Runner up: Fallout 3
Best Multiplayer: Left 4 Dead
Runner up: Grand Theft Auto 4
Best Action/Adventure: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Runner up: Fable 2
2008 Game of The Year: Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
Runner up: Left 4 Dead

Wanna hear some fucked up shit? Xasa didn’t get me anything for Christmas! I know. Wadda douche. He even told me, like a couple weeks before Christmas, that he bought me something and then after I gave him his gift on Christmas Eve and I just stood there all wide eyed waiting for mine. He just stared at me like he didn’t know what I wanted right before saying that he hasn’t gotten me anything “yet.” What am I supposed to do? If I get genuinely mad I look like a selfish A-hole. If I don’t then he thinks it’s cool. BUT ITS NOT! I wasn’t genuinely mad. Just disappointed. Even though I flipped him off as I drove away. Because knowing him. He won’t get anything even though he alluded to it. He’s too lazy to go out. Plus he doesn’t have a car to go anywhere. Or money to fuel that vehicle. Or a job to earn money to fuel that vehicle. Or the motivation to get a job to earn the money to fuel that vehicle to go get something. But it’s ok. I guess. He’s my friend so I have to let it go.

This is the last FRAGGED of 2008. We start 2009 fresh with new updates! So thanks for sticking around and seeing this thing through till the end of the year and we will see you next time!

Happy New Year,

Nicky James