Awkward Moments in HIgh School 4

anime_junkie_189 on March 17, 2012

I will go on the record saying this technically didn't happen. Miraculously, I was able to keep my mouth shut before I actually said that. But yeah, this very nearly happened. I imagine that, if it had, the actual outcome would have been much worse. >__>
Also, I know the writing's kinda hard to read in that first panel, so I'll provide a transcript for it.
- “Hey dude, wanna hear a joke?”
- “Haha, yeah sure.”
- “What's under the Pillsbury Doughboy's apron?”
For those of you that are curious, the punchline was “A pair of doughnuts”, so really I wasn't that far off.

On an unrelated note, Happy St. Patrick's Day!