ee-LAH-ree (Ch. 4 Pg. 8)

taradaga on April 20, 2009

And so!! Hilary's - I mean - Four's real name is revealed. (The boy's version of the name is said ee-LAH-ree, hence the title.) Wait. Aren't those kinds of things supposed to be revealed much later on so that the reader wonders and wonders and keeps reading to find out what his name is, unless it's one of those things that are never revealed?

Eh, whatever.

Also!! If you were looking forward to Four on Four action, I'm sorry. Unlike my ability to keep his name a secret, I'd like to not give you everything POMF at once. There is plenty of time for everything! Plus, this worked for pacing.

And MAN. Another door. They had better start being symbolic for something, this is getting ridiculous.

Thanks for the comments and support! I replied to your comments on the last page just before posting this, so head back one if yah want.