Sinister Dealings?? Or just the newspaper club. (Ch. 4 Pg. 15)

taradaga on May 16, 2009

My gosh!! I was hoping to get a lot done with this once a week thing, then I got totally addicted to Doctor Who and had to watch four series in four days. Which is why this page is a bit “meh” I haven't really had my head in drawing since Monday, so I feel kind of rusty. Not that this page was meant to be anything special, anyway, just more talking heads. But we'll move away from the library soon, and the chapter will be over in a bit. Few pages, anyway.

Now I'm watching Torchwood. I'm so terribly nerdy sometimes, I love it. Ha! But my comics don't. I can't seem to just watch, say, one or two episodes a day like normal people, I have to see the whole thing. Story starving, I suppose.

Anyway, the idea of going between ghost and Good Taste. I think what I'll do is, one page of Good Taste, pencils on ghost, one page of Good Taste, inking on ghost, etc. So for every one page of ghost I'll have done three Good Tastes. I want Good Taste to remain my focus, ghost just something to do between for a break.

Cheers!! Thank you all so much for your continued support and comments. I haven't been around in comments and other people's comics much, see the aforementioned nerdiness. Let's just hope I stop watching so much television and get to it!