Lick. (Chapter 7 cover)

taradaga on June 19, 2013

Whoa, two updates in one day! Ha ha. Even though obviously, just a cover …You may notice that my colouring style has changed. Well, the last update I made for GT was in 2009, really. That's a loooong time ago. For those not in the know, I have started Good Taste again, after a dream told me to finish it. (Yeah, like how Twilight started). I agreed with my dream self that it would be good to do, as it would enable me to continue on my path to comic makedom, if I finish what I start. (This also means ghost will be completed at some point, probably after GT). This means many things, A) Long time passing means my art/colouring tastes have changed and B) This may be messy or too unmessy story-wise. Huh? I mean that some story arcs will end quickly, with less naval gazing. It may not make sense with the kind of feel the comic had before the hiatus. Basically, things may not match up, people may have disappeared. I want to streamline the story if I can, so that I can finish it. I will try to have everyone have something important to do, but if I can't c'est la vie!!
Thank you for reading. The next update should be within the next few days. (Please go back if you haven't seen the other recent updates).

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