Nice Shot!

Toshi on June 11, 2006

Hello everybody!
Some of you are just finishing up school, so hang in there!!

It's very nostalgic for me to go back and edit these comics again. Like I stated earlier, I've done these over a year ago and some of the drawings are a little embarrassing for me XD! Nonetheless, the whole nostalgia part of it is why I like drawing so much! I can remember exactly what was going on in my life when I was drawing this comic! aw….good times.

oh! what was I talking about? Um….BANZAI! HAVE A PARTY!!! Thanks for checking out my story, and for those who are return visitors, I thank you even more. I'll see you all on wednesday!

—–Japanese Lesson—–
'chan': Word of endearment. Usually used after girl's names or little boys.