HU: EGO Pg.11 - by NickGuy & MrHades

Nepath on Nov. 18, 2008

News: BffSatan contributed a “Watch The Skies” ad too! Please take a look at it here. Also, after losing some ground when HU wasn't updating daily anymore (as when they were during fillers/ads for EGO), it's now firmly back in the top 100.

This page's artwork by NickGuy (lineart) and MrHades (colors and backgrounds).

Bonus: Please check out this forum thread for some exclusive bonus features (script, layouts, sketches, trivia…) corresponding to the latest comic page.

Commentary: Luckily NickGuy - master of dynamic artwork - stepped in for MrHades on this page who had to do some last-minute work on pgs. 1 & 2.

As always, thanks a lot for reading and commenting!

Currently accepting applications for future HU chapters here and here!