Chapter 4 Page 11

Abt_Nihil on Nov. 21, 2011

Whether cogito's motives are ultimately selfless or selfish… you decide.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


Nepath: Thanks!

Lemniskate: Yup, you're right. Despite what I said, it's not a completely unadulterated heroic act. He apparently acts in accordance with his own preferences, even though he might think it would be preferrable for everyone else to share his preferences (i.e. art over weaponry) :-) But the idea is that strategic data will be of more harm than use… that mankind is its own worst enemy. As we have seen, their weaponry isn't much good against the aliens in the first place. And mankind's back-up plan basically consists in getting away from the aliens as far as possible.

alejkhan: Not sure whether he can compute hugs :P And yeah, dispensing horrible food 700 years later must have all been worth it.

Genejoke: Isn't it? ^_^