A Theft in the Family

Rori on Jan. 6, 2008

Holy crap I'm up late, er, early…? I should never be left to my own devices as far as schedules go, because little sleep will be had save in the afternoon.

Anyhow, this will be the last strip for a few weeks. I'm moving back to St. Louis, so I'll be super busy. However, I should be able to resume updates in early February. Thanks to all for sticking with me through my crazy (non-existent?) update schedule. I love reading your comments!

As for the strip: looks like emotions are running a bit high, what with drunkenness, wetness, and bike theft. Poor hipsters ;)

btw, my bike (of 17 years) got stolen the first week in my apartment here in Chicago. Bastards! It was my lame roomie's fault, long story. Also, some douche tried to run me off the road on Friday night, so if you see a silver scion with Illinois plates X56 3702, watch out. No joke.

Anyway, criminal behaviors aside…