Ch4 - Pg7

DragonChan on Sept. 15, 2008

I am so in love with that bottom panel of Seth. Seriously. Prettiest eyes EVER. If he were real, and straight… *dies*

Anywho… a 3rd page on the 3rd day =D I'm on a roll! *rimshot*

I'd like to apologize for the serious lack of looking-like-he-got-out-of-the-shower-ness on Sean. I'm no good at drawing water, let alone wet things. So yeah… use your imagination? *hug*

As a random thought… I've been rolling a “voice cast” around in my head for this story. As well as a sound track =D I know Golo is awesome with soundtracks, so I'm sure she could give me some good suggestions. But about voices… I dunno. Who would you cast?