
jazzy on July 6, 2012

In the annals of Sci-fi moviedom there has been many a stinker. Usually at the top of everyone's lists is Ed Woods, Plan 9 From Outer Space. Plan 9 is a terrible movie; no question. However, just a few years prior an equally bad (if not worse) film called Robot Monster was released.
Here's the premise:

“The evil alien Ro-Man Extension XJ-2 (called ”Ro-Man“ by the humans) has destroyed all life on Earth, except for eight humans, using the ”Calcinator Death Ray“. The survivors include an elderly scientist, his wife, two daughters and son, his young assistant and two pilots taking a spacecraft to an orbiting space platform. All eight have developed an immunity to the death ray since receiving an experimental antibiotic serum developed by the scientist.Ro-Man must complete the destruction of all humans, even if it means physically killing them one by one, before his mission to subjugate the Earth is complete.”

Doesn't sound too awful, right?

However…Ro-Man was nothing more than a guy in a gorilla suit with a fish bowl on his head.

Plan 9 doesn't have that.

Anyway, so for this installment of Infinity Burger, I decided to tackle one of my biggest pet peeves…people that gratuitously use the word “Bro”. It's annoying, right? I like to refer to that slang as “dweeb-onics”. You know…one of those things delusional dorky white guys (probably named Chad or Brad) throw around, all-the-while thinking they're God's gift.

So…Ro-Man became Bro-Man. Even still….he's nowhere near as ridiculous as the Chads and Brads with their “bros”.

At least Robot-Monster and Plan 9 are endearing in their own way…NOT ANNOYING….bro.