
Karthara on Aug. 14, 2013

A cute little guy hanging and eating fruit.
I am sure you have noticed that this sketchbook comes in fits and starts, so some changes are in order.As of today I am changing the supposed update schedule to three days a week instead of seven. I am still deciding which days. I am thinking MWF with catch up still on the weekends. I have 1259 missing posts, so there should be one or two on saturday and sunday for quite some time, so it will feel like a four or five day update schedule. I simply don't draw enough to update this every day and still have time to actually work on projects. Well, at least until I get a few actually releasing. Then I have a little mountain of work that I will be able to dish out.
I am working on two projects right now that I don't want to show anything off until they release. I have two more that I am going to be releasing little tidbits of, but not all the sketches. Then there is Askelon. I am still working on it, but my S.O.s comp has been bricked, and for some reason I can not for the life of me get the scanner to work with my comp. Really this just means I have to get off my lazy butt and carry my work over to a place I can get it scanned. That just takes effort.
So, we will be going to a 3-5 updates a week kind of thing. I might put the stack I have now up just as a 3 times a week with the auto updates, and then if I get anything else up I can put it to come up on what ever weekend is next. Or I could just put two updates up on the weekends That means I will need to get off my duff and get some more stuff scanned sooner which is a good thing.
Yes, I ramble.
I have also been playing with acrylic paint and canvas boards, so we will see what we can get up here.