What exactly is JAMA 403?

jfox13 on Sept. 9, 2008

So, before we start the comics, a few of you may be wondering what JAMA 403 means.

Well, JAMA is a combination of the four main character's names. Jenna, Anne, Melissa and Amy = JAMA. The 403 is significant because that was our room number that we lived in. ^___^

I would like to let everyone know that these comics are from my(Jenna's) point of view. A lot of the strips will be about my experiences and how they were affected by my roommates. Some of the stories have been altered to include, or exclude, other characters to make the situation easier to explain.

I would also like to point out that this is a comic STRIP, therefore there is no overall plot. There are occasions where a story will last for more than 1 strip, but most are exclusively within themselves. :)

Feel free to post any other questions that you would like answered and I'll try to answer them in the following posts.