755. The Bodyguard 04: Ambisicure

Sameth on April 11, 2012

The first two panels are more or less me wanting a canonical reason for me accidentally leaving the tracker off…and to cover me for any future omitting of it.
I liked the idea of a female Ambis living with them that wasn't related to them so Caligos could have a shot at love. I felt sorry for him only seeing one female Ambis for the longest and that being his cousin. (Incest being frowned upon in Ambis society.)
I figure since they're not doing anything of importance, and considering I added in the dialogue for panel 1 and 2, I'd have them doing something like this together. I hope this isn't coming off as sexist because it's a hygiene matter both sexes have to attend to…much like getting hair cuts for both Ambis and humans. Ambis females are more likely to have their friends do it, though.