986. Terminate Her 17: The Emperor

Sameth on July 17, 2015

Basically what happened was that he destroyed the Terminator-esque timeline and when he got sent back, but to the new timeline. The new timeline remains because Atra changed the future rather than Kray changing the past. She may have gotten the idea from a time traveler, but she was the one who actually did the change. So…Kray or no, it was still her doing.
Also, my multiverse is pretty strong. It can't be destroyed by a paradox. It fixes the paradoxes.
Starting week after next, Jix is going to two days: Wednesday and Friday. This is due to Dragon City ending. Monday will be Dragon City Stories. (I realize most readers read both DC and Jix, but this is for the readers who only read Jix.) So…July 29th will be the first Wednesday we will see a Jix comic in a long time.