Cadet 2

Vair on April 7, 2009

It's a page!!! As it's probably been noted by now I'm very bad at sticking to a schedual. That's why this one doesn't have one.
I realised the other day that I'm now at the point where all the pages for this comicy thing, come from my sketch pad instead of a random piece of paper. Doesn't stop from losing it though ._. - already done that more times thsn I can count.
I've drawn most of the pages just before the holiday when I should ahve been working - I just couldn't though and so I finished off some half done pages.
I'm actually tired! It's really late - I think. Ooops, no I tell a lie, it's early. Well, good night, or good morning, which ever.

Any one noticed I ramble loads when I'm tired. Right, yes, gone.