The Big Ball

Azaeziel on March 20, 2007

Page 22, wow! (Not counting filler art and cover page.) So, Wow. 22. Hey look! I updated a day early! Is that a good thing? I think so, I just love surprises, and I finished this page early, so, Surprise! Thank you all for sticking around and reading my comic, even though it is just black and white and pencil. Photoshop has me bent over like a proctologist's assisstant and is giving me a very hard time. (And not in a good way!) XO

PS: If you like funny and well drawn pencil comics, look up ‘I heart artists’ or just read her comic here:

It is great!

Ok, so, see you all next Thursday, unless I finish early again! Oh and one more thing, Lace of

is having a character design contest, and I will be submitting an entry, so if you like my art drawing style, look her up in the next few weeks when the contest gets underway and vote for me! (I draw well, but as I said before, my coloring is ‘teh suckors’ majorly, so I luckily have a great girlfriend (I love you waxengoddess) who is hand painting my entries for me and we will submit them as a team effort, so vote for us, when the contest gets going!

Ok, I think that's enough babble from me. Enjoy the comic.

Thank you.